
Which Row Are You In?

A Boundary is defined as a line that marks a limit. Boundaries are necessary to provide limitations when we are driving to ensure that we don’t collide with another driver when we are driving in traffic.

Second, God placed boundaries in the sea so that the ocean doesn’t flood the land and when that occurs it is called a tsunami.

Third, boundaries are even more important when we have friendships and relationships. When we enter relationships, we need to make sure we are setting boundaries with individuals by placing them in various rows in our lives because when that does not occur the relationship can hit a literal “tsunami” where an individual can become overwhelmed, physically sick, or angry when boundaries are crossed.

I believe you teach people how to treat you. In my 20 and 30’s I used to have a difficult time saying the word, “no” because I was interested in pleasing the person asking for the favor or request. In most cases, I would be the one feeling as though I did not want to do what was asked of me and began to feel as though I was performing the task out of obligation more than a willingness from the heart.

I encourage you to evaluate the people you have in your life and find out are they bringing wellness, wholeness, and happiness into your life, or are they “sucking” the life out of you when you are around them. If you are feeling depleted being around the individual, move on. Don’t waste time trying to make a relationship or friendship work if you are feeling depleted being associated with the individual. Remember, setting boundaries is important because it protects the most valuable person- YOU!  

Let’s Talk: 

  1. What are some ways you can establish “healthy” boundaries in your relationships? 
  2. Is it hard for you to say no without feeling guilty? Why? 
  3. Why do you place the things that are most important to you as least priority and place others needs before yours? 

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