
  • Relationships

    Which Row Are You In?

    A Boundary is defined as a line that marks a limit. Boundaries are necessary to provide limitations when we are driving to ensure that we don’t collide with another driver when we are driving in traffic. Second, God placed boundaries in the sea so that the ocean doesn’t flood the land and when that occurs it is called a tsunami. Third, boundaries are even more important when we have friendships and relationships. When we enter relationships, we need to make sure we are setting boundaries with individuals by placing them in various rows in our lives because when that does not occur the relationship can hit a literal “tsunami” where…

  • Relationships

    You Teach People How To Treat You

    Have you ever heard the statement “You Teach People How To Treat You”. This statement has proven to be true. Many times we enter relationships with individuals and fail to set expectations of how we should be treated in the relationship out of fear of not being accepted by the individual or losing the relationship altogether. We compromise our beliefs and in turn allow the individual that we are involved in to take control of the relationship, instead of working as a partnership, more specifically if you are involved in a male and female relationship. The way you believe and respect yourself will determine how others will treat you. For…